Dawn House School

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When considering whether Dawn House School could potentially meet your child’s needs, we welcome and encourage parents and guardians to contact us to book a tour around our school.


This will give you the opportunity to discuss your child’s individual needs as well as see teaching and learning in action, with examples of the whole school approaches.


To consider children for admission, we evaluate whether developmental speech and/or language disorder is the primary barrier to learning. We can also support children with high functioning autism spectrum disorder (also known as Asperger’s Syndrome) who present with associated language and communication difficulties.


Before being offered a place at Dawn House School, we consider whether we can meet the full range of the child’s needs. All children will undergo a thorough assessment at Dawn House School. This will provide a detailed understanding of the child’s needs and the kind of provision that is right for them. This assessment can be carried out at the request of the Local Authority or parents/guardians. Please contact us for further information. 



Summer Term 2024  Update

          Do you have spaces in school available and does the start date have to be at the beginning of a term? 

  • Yes we do have spaces in KS1 and KS2 at the moment and we have recently increased our numbers with permission from the Department of Education. We also have spaces in our residential setting.  Our Chimes provision where students are supported with a bespoke timetable is getting full but there will be some young people leaving towards the summer. However please contact us for further information. We work flexibly but carefully around the use of our spaces considering the needs of the combinations of our students. 
  • Students start at different times during the academic year. If a pupil is due to start with us in September then we would suggest and recommend them to have a transition visit, even if just for half a day to get to know the staff they will be working with and meet some of their peers. We find this enables them to be reassured about starting with us in the new term.


          Do you have assessment dates available soon ? 

  • We are working through our consultations from local authorities and parents and have very limited availability now available before the end of July 2024. 

